Our Impact
Since our founding, Team Breast Friends has been committed to making a real impact on the lives of breast cancer patients and survivors in our community. Through our various programs and initiatives, we have been able to help countless individuals navigate their breast cancer journeys with greater ease and confidence. We are proud of the impact we have made in the lives of those affected by breast cancer, and we remain committed to our mission of ensuring that no one faces this disease alone.
- On December 6th, Team Breast Friends was honored to present a $5,000 check to the Nassif Community Cancer Center, helping provide essential medical supplies not covered by insurance for those in our community impacted by breast cancer. Board members Patsy Porter, Melody Strub, and Stef Swails represented us during this meaningful moment.

- We’re excited to share that, thanks to your incredible support, Team Breast Friends was able to donate $10,000 to the Iowa City Free Medical and Dental Clinic. This donation is helping ensure that women in need have access to life-saving mammograms and vital healthcare services.

- In December, we donated $10,000 to St. Luke's Foundation to help support Unity Point Health-Cedar Rapids.

- TBF donated $10,000 to the Nassif Community Cancer Center, dedicated to supporting our local breast cancer patients. This contribution will fund comfort supplies, education, and more, making a tangible difference in the lives of those bravely facing the journey of breast cancer. With immense pride, we're thrilled to announce that our lifetime donation to date has surpassed $60,000 in the past 6 years. None of this would be possible without the incredible individuals who stand beside us and believe in our mission.

- Team Breast Friends presented a check for $10,000 to the U of I Center for Advancement for the Breast Cancer Department. This check marks the 1st payment of our ongoing pledge to support the incredible work they do for breast cancer patients. It's an honor to have our name engraved on a wall plaque, a symbol of our commitment to making a difference. Exam Room 2 is now dedicated to Team Breast Friends, serving as a constant reminder of the impact we aim to make in the lives of those affected by breast cancer.

- We had a truly remarkable evening on Tuesday, June 27th at the Brown Deer Women's Tuesday night golf league PINK fundraiser. Team Breast Friends presented beautiful PINK roses to breast cancer survivors during this heartfelt event. Their unwavering strength and resilience continue to inspire us each and every day. But that's not all! Our love and support extended even further as we made a special delivery to a survivor in Coralville. Thank you to each and every one of you who contributed, participated, and supported this incredible event.

- Team Breast Friends presented a check in the amount of $15,000 to the UIHC Breast Cancer Department through the U of I Center for Advancement. This will allow the breast cancer surgeons to continue their research and establish treatment options for patients seen at the UIHC.

- TBF members volunteered at the 2nd annual Holiday Lights at the Lake fundraiser for the Bird House, Hospice Home of Johnson County, on Sunday evening 11/27/22. We love our community and love giving back to those who support nonprofits. It’s always fun to work together as a team!

- November was the month of giving and Team Breast Friends is proud of the community support so mammograms, ultrasounds and other diagnostic testing can be provided at Mercy Hospital, Iowa City for those who are underinsured or have no insurance.

- Team Breast Friends was able to present a check to Helen G Nassif Community Cancer Center in the amount of $10,000 on November 17, 2022 for a wide range of educational and wellness programs for people affected by breast cancer.Helen G. Nassif Community Cancer Center acknowledged the partnership with Team Breast Friends over the past 5 years as they presented this certificate.

- Team Breast Friends board members were able to visit the remodeled UIHC Breast Cancer Center on July 7, 2022. It was informative and enlightening to see how the dollars that are raised at our events are utilized. Dr. Lillian Erdahl was our guide through the facility and explained the progress being made in the treatment of the disease with the help of our supporters.

- Team Breast Friends presented a check to the U of I Center for Advancement for continued work in breast cancer research! The continued support from the community at our fundraising events allows us to provide funding for breast cancer surgeons and research staff that work to find solutions for each unique individual’s breast cancer diagnosis.

- During the month of December, some of our TBF members volunteered at Holiday Lights at the Lake in support of Bird House, the Hospice Home of Johnson County. With all the support our community has given TBF in the fight against breast cancer, it feels great to give back and volunteer for some of our communities other wonderful organizations!

- TBF donated $6,000 to Mercy Hospital in Iowa City for mammograms, ultrasounds and other breast cancer-related diagnostic testing! The goal of this donation is to help support cancer patients who are underinsured or have no insurance.

- TBF gave $10,000 to Helen G. Nassif Community Cancer Center in Cedar Rapids for educational materials and comfort garments that are not covered by insurance. This donation will also aid in covering therapy needs for patients that do not have insurance. We are so thankful for such a wonderful community that continues to allow us to raise and donate funds in support of the fight against breast cancer!

- A check in the amount of $10,000 was presented to Dr. Lillian Erdahl, (2nd from the right in photo) a breast cancer surgeon at UIHC by Team Breast Friends members. Funds will be used to provide support for the breast cancer research study currently conducted by Dr. Erdahl and her colleagues. As shown in the window of the hospital, “We love our Breast Friends”, we support you!

- Team Breast Friends had the privilege of presenting a $10,000 donation to the Nassif Community Cancer Center to help further their patient care.

- On November 25th, Team Breast Friends had the privilege of presenting Dr. Lillian Erdahl and her colleagues at the University of Iowa a $10,000 donation to help further their research in breast cancer and patient care.

- On November 19th, Team Breast Friends presented Mercy Hospital Foundation with a $10,000 donation. This donation will go towards mammography services at Mercy Iowa City.

- Team Breast Friends members Julie Patten Wessel, Patty Frantz and Deb Larson were fortunate to be able to present Dr. Lillian Erdahl of the UI Center for Advancement with a check for $15,000 last month.

- A gift in the amount of $10,000 was presented to the Helen G. Nassif Community Cancer Center on November 20, 2019. This gift will fund a full spectrum of services not covered by insurance for breast cancer patients within the Corridor. Team Breast Friends is thankful for the support of everyone who makes this possible by attending our events throughout the year. Together we making a difference!

- The U of I Homecoming Parade was a fun night for team members and PINK HEALS of Eastern Iowa as we walked to raise awareness for breast cancer.
- On October 8, 2019, Patty Frantz joined Greta Clemons, Marketing Mgr for Washington County Clinic, for a live interview to raise awareness for breast cancer and share info on how Team Breast Friends is growing.
- The 5th Annual 5k Rack Run on Sunday, 10/6/19, generated $10,000 which was awarded to Mercy Hospital, Iowa City, Breast Health Fund for breast cancer patients. This fund is available for those who are under-insured or have no insurance. Mammograms, ultrasounds, and other diagnostic testing is made available to those in need through the Breast Health Fund.

- SODAFEST, hosted by the Iowa City Downtown District, was held Saturday, October 5, 2019, which is in conjunction with the Northside Oktoberfest. Team Breast Friends, Liberty and City High School students and friends volunteered with The Iowa Children’s Museum in the rain to provide entertainment for the kids that braved the weather conditions. A few hours of playing in the rain wasn’t too bad as Team Breast Friends volunteers enjoyed their time out in the community. Looking forward to next year’s event.

- Team member Molly Brown took part in a photo session during October at the new bridal store in Coralville – Jocelyn Taylor Prom and Bridal Shop to help raise awareness for breast cancer patients.
- Team Breast Friends was ready to fly into action as volunteers at the 2018 Sodafest held on Saturday, September 29, 2018 in conjunction with the Northside Oktoberfest hosted by the Iowa City Downtown District. During the shift you could catch Team Breast Friends members having fun with the props and playing with the kids who stopped by the event. Team members love to give back to the community and enjoy volunteer opportunities!

- Team Breast Friends members volunteered at PINK Trivia Night on May 12, 2018 to help Liberty High School volleyball teams raise money to purchase PINK jerseys to wear during the month of October. The volleyball teams are helping raise awareness in the community about early detection, monthly self breast exams, healthy lifestyles and mammograms. Team Breast Friends is proud to support the teams’ efforts.
- A check in the amount of $5,000 was presented to Mercy Hospital Foundation for the Breast Health Fund which provides screenings for individuals in the Corridor. Team members raises funds with the Annual Drive Away Breast Cancer golf outing and Plants for the Cure held each spring and 5k Rack Run held in October.

- Team Breast Friends members present check in the amount of $25,000 to Dr. Lillian Erdahl. Funds to be used to provide support for the greatest needs of the breast cancer surgery program currently conducted by Dr. Erdahl.

- Dr. Erdahl is a 1998 graduate of City High School, so keeping it local for Team Breast Friends connected us to her in a very special way and the care she provides to patients right here in our community solidified the relationship.

- Team Breast Friends, making a difference in the lives of those impacted by breast cancer. Another great opportunity as we presented the Helen G. Nassif Cancer Community Center a check in the amount $5,000.00 for the Breast Health Fund. This provides medical supplies (camisoles, drain pockets, lanyards) not covered by insurance for those in the community who have been impacted by breast cancer. Together we can and do make a difference!

- In August 2017, a fund was established at UIHC to support Dr. Lillian Erdahl and her work with the breast cancer team, for clinical care, education, and cancer research.
- On Monday, November 13, 2017 $5,000.00 was given to Iowa City Mercy Hospital Foundation for the Breast Health Fund which provides breast cancer screenings for individuals in the Corridor who are under or uninsured.
- Throughout 2017, individual grants have been awarded to patients who applied for financial assistance and provided a doctor’s diagnosis and signature.


June 2015
Team Breast Friends was the recipient of the Solon Women Pink Night Fundraising Event sponsored by the Solon Women’s Golf League.
March 2015
SIX team members of Team Breast Friends served supper for the guests at the Hope Lodge in Iowa City. Team Breast Friends is a non-profit organization raising funds for men and women in the area who are in treatment for breast cancer and need support.
Team Breast Friends helped sponsor Surviving in Style: A Women’s Cancer Event at the South Slope Community Center in North Liberty, IA by hosting a table to provide information about their mission, “To make a positive difference in the lives impacted by breast cancer and bring awareness through our efforts.” Surviving in Style: A Women’s Cancer Event is held annually. This year Mercy Hospital surgeon, Dr. Nathan Schneider and breast cancer survivor, Debbie Reicks gave informational, powerful and inspirational speeches. Several local women who are cancer survivors modeled today’s fashions from local merchants. Silent auction items were available for bidding along with a raffle item for a stay at Lake of the Ozarks.